As a celebrity hairstylist, Barry Fletcher has tamed the maneof beautiful celebrities such as Halle Berry, Tina Turner,Dr. Maya Angelou, Mary J Blige, Chaka Khan, Patti LaBelle, and Iman, just toname a few. In addition to his A-list clientele, Barry has created anddistributes nationwide, his own hair care product line made from purely naturalingredients. Barry Fletcher Products are used by some of the most influentialwomen in the nation, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,former Transportation Secretary Alexis Herman and Alma Powell (wife of ColinPowell). He also sees clients at The Hair Palace Salon, located in theWashington DC metro area. Fletcher, an expert who has studied hair for the last 30 years, is the mostinformed and sought after cosmetological entrepreneur in the business. He is afrequent guest speaker at women’s conferences, universities, book stores andlibraries, and conducts hair-care seminars around the world. As a professionaltrichologist (someone who scientifically studies the hair and scalp), he is theauthor of two previous books: “Hair Is Sexual” and “Why Are Black Women LosingTheir Hair?” “Learn A Man, Earn A Man” is Barry’s third book. Mr. Fletcher isavailable for interviews as well as “Understand A Man Power PointPresentation/Open Discussion” book signings. Learn more at Barry Fletcher’s official website