Catrice M. Jackson is the Global Visionary Leader of the Awakened Conscious Shift, the CEO of Catriceology Enterprises, LLC. She is an educator, speaker and writer who uses a straight up, on the rocks with no chaser voice for racial justice who is unapologetic and unflinching with her anti-racism message. She is the catalytic creator of SHETalks WETalk Race Talks for Women and WETalks for Women of Color.

Catrice M. Jackson

Catrice M. Jackson is the Global Visionary Leader of the Awakened Conscious Shift, the CEO of Catriceology Enterprises, LLC. She is an educator, speaker and writer who uses a straight up, on the rocks with no chaser voice for racial justice who is unapologetic and unflinching with her anti-racism message. She is the catalytic creator of SHETalks WETalk Race Talks for Women and WETalks for Women of Color.

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