Claude Atcho resides in Charlottesville, VA where he lives with his family, serves as a pastor of Church of the Resurrection, and enjoys coaching his kids in basketball and soccer. Claude holds graduate degrees in both English Literature and Theological Studies. In addition to his preaching and pastoral work, Claude speaks and writes about literature, film, music, and culture from a theological perspective. His writing has been regularly featured at The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, Think Christian, Christ and Pop Culture, and The Gospel Coalition. His writing is often lives at the intersection of theology, culture, and African American experience. Learn more at Claude Atcho’s official website

Claude Atcho

Claude Atcho resides in Charlottesville, VA where he lives with his family, serves as a pastor of Church of the Resurrection, and enjoys coaching his kids in basketball and soccer. Claude holds graduate degrees in both English Literature and Theological Studies. In addition to his preaching and pastoral work, Claude speaks and writes about literature, film, music, and culture from a theological perspective. His writing has been regularly featured at The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, Think Christian, Christ and Pop Culture, and The Gospel Coalition. His writing is often lives at the intersection of theology, culture, and African American experience. Learn more at Claude Atcho's official website