Claudia Alexander, Ph.D., studies the planets, and flies spacecraft by day,at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. By night she enters a fantasy world andre-imagines the universe. Dr. Alexander enjoys the science of the Venusionosphere (part of the Venus atmospheric family), and ways in which Venusbehaves like a comet. Dr. Alexander studies comets, the thin atmospheressurrounding icy moons such as Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, and more recently, theway in which the whole proto-solar nebula collapsed to form the planets. More about Dr. Alexander. She hasserved as Project Manager on historic space missions to Jupiter (Galileo),comets (Rosetta), and a project leader on the mission to Saturn (Cassini). Shehas written a number of steampunk short stories, children’s science-learningbooks, and a full length elf-punk novel. She is also an avid tennis fan and haswritten for the Bleacher Report as claudiacelestialgirl.Red Phoenix Books, herpublishing arm, established in 2002, publishes the books of award-winningauthor, Carol Fenner, and debut author Diane Schochet. Alexander also publishers her own children’s science-learning books and her alter-ego, E.L. Celeste is a lady astronomer, and captain of space-ready aerocraft to the planets and beyond. By night she re-imagines the universe. She has written a number of steampunk short stories and a full length elf-punk novel. Books By Blacks mourns the passing of Claudia Alexander, who lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 56 on July 11, 2015. Alexander was a scientist on the Rosetta Project, which landed a spacecraft on a comet (67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko) in November of 2014. She just was only 56 years old.