Crystal Smith Paul has led an eclectic career as a writer, editor, and paralegal for the Department of Justice. She attended Spelman College, UCLA’s School of Film and Television, and received her Master’s in journalism from NYU. Her non-fiction writing has appeared in Salon, Jezebel, and the Huffington Post. She currently works in digital marketing for wellness and beauty brands, while spending her nights and weekends writing creatively and staying on top of pop culture. Her debut novel explores American pop culture, colorism, and the generational trauma of racism in the U.S. The author resides in Los Angeles. You can follow her musings on Instagram @csmithpaul.

Crystal Smith Paul

Crystal Smith Paul has led an eclectic career as a writer, editor, and paralegal for the Department of Justice. She attended Spelman College, UCLA’s School of Film and Television, and received her Master’s in journalism from NYU. Her non-fiction writing has appeared in Salon, Jezebel, and the Huffington Post. She currently works in digital marketing for wellness and beauty brands, while spending her nights and weekends writing creatively and staying on top of pop culture. Her debut novel explores American pop culture, colorism, and the generational trauma of racism in the U.S. The author resides in Los Angeles. You can follow her musings on Instagram @csmithpaul.

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