Dwayne S. Joseph began his writing career at the age of thirteen. Commandeering his parent’s computer, he sat for hours on end creating dramatic stories of fiction that earned him the “best story teller in the Joseph household” moniker. He then went on to win second place in the National Scholastic Writing Competition during his senior year in high school, for a short story he wrote, titled “Playtime” a story that he does plan to develop into a children’s tale someday. With ten drama-filled novels under his belt and short story contributions to four anthology collections, most notably, the Essence bestseller, Around The Way Girls, Dwayne has consistently set out to entertain his readers with scenarios and characters that they love and love to hate.It’s all about growth for Mr. Joseph. He strives to grow and improve with each novel because he feels that’s what the readers deserve. And that’s just what he is determined to do as he is now taking a walk down a much different literary path with the release of his latest two novels, Home Wrecker and Betrayal-darker novels filled with more suspense, more intensity, more violence, more mystery, and sex.