I still remember the exact day I fell in love with reading. It was night time and raining. Mom and dad had already sent me and my sister to bed. But I couldn’t sleep. We didn’t have cable (and I’m pretty sure the parents wouldn’t allow it) and cartoons were over for the day. I remember turning on the light, looking across the room at my snoring sister and then at my bookcase filled with books. I wasn’t a reader at the time, but my mother was. She was constantly buying me something. I walked over to the bookshelf and pulled my newest book off the shelf and just began to read. For the first time I learned what it was to leave my room and go some place else, to care about imaginary people so much, I simply had to turn the page, to get so caught up in a story, hours flew by. And it is that exact feeling that I want so much to create in my readers. Enjoyment, entertainment, and feeling blessed.