Endywas born in Newark, NJ. Like most inner city children she was fascinated by thenoise of the busy streets in the “hood. Raised in a two parent home with heryounger brother, her parents knew the harsh reality of living in the city. Withher mother being robbed several times at gun point while operating the clothingstore they owned, her father carted his family away to the suburbs of Linden,NJ. Endy’s father wanted to give his family a better home and a solidfoundation. Little did he know his daughter would be drawn back to the streetsin which she was born. Endy first noticed her creative niche when she was 9 years old. She loved toread and write poems and short stories. At that age she had an imaginationbigger then any ocean. She graduated from high school as a well rounded girl. Sports orientated and the personality to melt any heart of ice. She was knownto her friends as the life of the party. She always told stories dramatizingthem with wit and creativity, that you could imagine your self right there inthe middle of it. “My friends always said that I could take a simple sentenceand turn it into an adventurous ride like at Six Flags Great Adventure. Theywould say you are crazy!” But Endy felt a magnet pulling at her and thatmagnet was the streets. So, she returned. Although, she continued with herschooling in which she enrolled at Union County College, she couldn’t shake themonkey on her back. “I’ve seen a lot in my time in the streets and I’ve storedthem in the back of my brain as a learning tool.”As an adult she became involved in differentafter school programs for kids after witnessing what most children had to dealwith growing up in the “hood. She continued to write poetry going on to winseveral poetry contests in NJ and in NY night clubs. Endy loved to read andwrite. She says, “It relaxes me and allows my mind to release all it has takenin for the week.”Endy became heavily involved with the communityand volunteering many hours helping children. She joined the Pop WarnerOrganization where she became a certified Head Coach for the Cheer teams. Sheenjoys mentoring the girls steering them away from the fast life of glam andglitter.One day Endy sat down to do some creative poetry writing, when one thing led toanother and before she realized she had created a manuscript. She sat on themanuscript for a long time not sure of what to do with it. So she began towrite another. Endy met one of her favorite authors, Al-Saadiq Banks founder ofTrue 2 Life Publications. She was introduced by a friend who was related tohim. From there it was the beginning of her first introduction to Crystal LaceyWinslow who was interested in her work and later she signed with Melodrama. Endy now resides in Kansas City, Missouri, where she is raising her twodaughters. She is currently still volunteering many of her hours to coachchildren and dedicates her time to helping others. She is also currently workingon her next novel and plans to pump out many more.