Gregory S. Jones is one of the co-founders of “The Paper Tiger” and co-author of thenovel The Root Of All Evil. Born in New Orleans, LA, he moved toCalifornia when he was 14 years old. While in California Mr. Jonescompleted high school and went on to college for a very short period oftime. Mr. Jones now resides at USP to Atlanta but upon his release plans tohelp educate the African-American communities on the importance of a realnationality and to also to aid in the legal fight for reparations. Jonesenjoys researching, studying and reading books that aid in the understandingof the relationship between African-Americans and the U.S., such as: TheDebt by RandallRobinson, Constitutional Journal by Jeffrey St. John, TheFederalist Papers, Congressional Records, Amendments 13, 14, 15, UCC,National Emergency, War Power Acts of 1933 and many others. He plans toalso to continue to reside in Georgia and work closely with his family andfriends.