Guy LeCharles Gonzalez works in publishing by day, world domination by night. Over the years he’s lived in Staten Island and South Beach Miami; served in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, US Army, and Dennis Kucinich’s ’04 Presidential Campaign; won poetry slams, founded a reading series, co-authored a book of poetry and believes in the power of publishing as a community service. He prefers Jockamo IPA and Buffalo Trace Bourbon, and is a devout (and long-suffering) Mets fan from the Bronx now living in New Jersey with his beautiful wife and two amazing kids, and totally hooked on soccer. Read Guy&rqsuos musings on his blog at, Command Central for everything and anything that catches Guy’s fancy, currently an enthusiasm for Old and New Media with a publishing and marketing slant, and the occasional dash of poetry and pop culture.

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez works in publishing by day, world domination by night. Over the years he's lived in Staten Island and South Beach Miami; served in the Jehovah's Witnesses, US Army, and Dennis Kucinich's '04 Presidential Campaign; won poetry slams, founded a reading series, co-authored a book of poetry and believes in the power of publishing as a community service. He prefers Jockamo IPA and Buffalo Trace Bourbon, and is a devout (and long-suffering) Mets fan from the Bronx now living in New Jersey with his beautiful wife and two amazing kids, and totally hooked on soccer. Read Guy&rqsuos musings on his blog at, Command Central for everything and anything that catches Guy's fancy, currently an enthusiasm for Old and New Media with a publishing and marketing slant, and the occasional dash of poetry and pop culture.