Jawanza Kunjufu. Making Our List 101 Times Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu is an educational consultant with African-American Images. He is constantly on the lecture circuit with over thirty different workshops, addressing students, parents, teachers, and community residents; in pre-schools elementary schools, high-schools: colleges and churches. He is also the author of Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, Vol. / and Motivating Black Youth to Work, Children Are the Reward of Life, Lessons from History. A Celebration in Blackness, Elementary & High School, and To be Popular or Smart: The Black Peer Group.If you have not had an opportunity to attend one of Dr. Kunjufu’s inspiring lectures, here are some of the dynamic topics that he will address: Black male/female relationship solutions, Critical concerns in the area of raising our children, particularly the black male child., An economic solution for the black community, and spiritual motivation.Dr Kunjufu has dedicated himself to the uplifting of our community and has personally written over 22 books dealing with these critical issues,Please call African American Images for specific times andarea contact at (773) 445-0322

Jawanza Kunjufu

Jawanza Kunjufu. Making Our List 101 Times Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu is an educational consultant with African-American Images. He is constantly on the lecture circuit with over thirty different workshops, addressing students, parents, teachers, and community residents; in pre-schools elementary schools, high-schools: colleges and churches. He is also the author of Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, Vol. / and Motivating Black Youth to Work, Children Are the Reward of Life, Lessons from History. A Celebration in Blackness, Elementary & High School, and To be Popular or Smart: The Black Peer Group.If you have not had an opportunity to attend one of Dr. Kunjufu's inspiring lectures, here are some of the dynamic topics that he will address: Black male/female relationship solutions, Critical concerns in the area of raising our children, particularly the black male child., An economic solution for the black community, and spiritual motivation.Dr Kunjufu has dedicated himself to the uplifting of our community and has personally written over 22 books dealing with these critical issues,Please call African American Images for specific times andarea contact at (773) 445-0322