I grew up in the small southern town of Danville, Virginia. The granddaughter of a Covington-007preacher on my Daddy’s side and an epic storyteller and musician on my Mama’s side. I was an unapologetic tomboy who always had my nose buried in a book. As you can imagine, spinning tales in my head, on the page, and out loud was in my blood. I scribbled scenes down on pieces of paper and notebooks and created stories in my head on long drives – in between four-part harmony with my family on the way to a singing gig for our family band.
The stories never left me but as I got older, I put aside the urge to put them down on paper as I made my way through college, law school, marriage, and motherhood. I promised myself that I would write that book. . .someday. And then two weeks before I turned 40, a dear friend lost her 5 year battle with breast cancer and I realized that I was never guaranteed all those days in the distant future when I would write the book in my heart. As my friend said, “Someday is not a day of the week.”
So, I started writing and I kept writing and I kept writing until one day I was offered a publishing contract and I’ve never looked back.
I love Haribo gummy bears and caramel anything. I adore Pembroke Welsh Corgis and I wear red every day. I’m a comic book geek who was thrilled when Superman and Wonder Woman finally got together. My favorite things are my kid’s laughter and my husband’s blue eyes.
As a biracial person of Native American descent, I firmly, unequivocally, and without any doubt believe that everyone deserves love and I make sure they get it in my books. I write books that I would have loved to read when I was younger – where someone who looked like me got to be the center of the story and their search for love mattered.