Roslyn Carringtongton lives and works in her native country of Trinidad and Tobago, where she somehow manages to juggle a career in Public Relations with the demands and joys of being a writer. Her first literary novel, A Thirst for Rain, was released to enthusiastic reviews by Kensington Publishing in September of 1999. Apart from her literary work, she also writes multi-cultural romances with BET/Arabesque under the pen-name Simona Taylor. In addition, she has written a popular weekly column for the Trinidad Guardian. Her passion for books and words has been a part of her life as long as she can remember. Under the pen-name Simona Taylor, (a name she has borrowed from her 11-pound feline companion), she has also written two romance novels for Arabesque (BET books): “Night Heat” and “Mesmerized”.  She earned a First Class Honors degree in Language and Literature from the University of the West Indies, receiving no less than seven academic awards and earning the title of “Student of the Year” in both her second and final years. It was only after completing her tertiary education that she began seriously considering writing as a career

Roslyn Carrington

Roslyn Carringtongton lives and works in her native country of Trinidad and Tobago, where she somehow manages to juggle a career in Public Relations with the demands and joys of being a writer. Her first literary novel, A Thirst for Rain, was released to enthusiastic reviews by Kensington Publishing in September of 1999. Apart from her literary work, she also writes multi-cultural romances with BET/Arabesque under the pen-name Simona Taylor. In addition, she has written a popular weekly column for the Trinidad Guardian. Her passion for books and words has been a part of her life as long as she can remember. Under the pen-name Simona Taylor, (a name she has borrowed from her 11-pound feline companion), she has also written two romance novels for Arabesque (BET books): "Night Heat" and "Mesmerized".  She earned a First Class Honors degree in Language and Literature from the University of the West Indies, receiving no less than seven academic awards and earning the title of "Student of the Year" in both her second and final years. It was only after completing her tertiary education that she began seriously considering writing as a career