Vincent is a nonbinary afrolatine living in New York City with a background in biology and research. Sometimes they have an insatiable hunger for horror and existential dread. Sometimes they have a craving for the whimsical.

But no matter what their appetite, they are always looking to share.

Past short stories have appeared in Desert Rose Lit Mag, InQluded and FIYAH Lit Magazine. Feel free to read their free stories here.

Vincent Tirado

Vincent is a nonbinary afrolatine living in New York City with a background in biology and research. Sometimes they have an insatiable hunger for horror and existential dread. Sometimes they have a craving for the whimsical. But no matter what their appetite, they are always looking to share. Past short stories have appeared in Desert Rose Lit Mag, InQluded and FIYAH Lit Magazine. Feel free to read their free stories here.

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