Welcome Friends, this book was done by my Nana & I after many discussions about our feelings and my reactions to so many changes, in a short time our lives. Do you know a family going through a separation of some kind, (due to military, job change, incarceration, displaced by inclement weather or natural disaster)? We focused on a child who had experienced death, grief & bereavement in his family. Soon there after issues at school followed unexpected separations. We must trust in the word of God and there is not any situation he will see us safely through to a more positive place. We must encourage ourselves and cheer up those around us. Look to see how you can be a blessing to someone daily. It will cheer you up too. Is your child going through divorce, separation, conflict resolution or experiencing peer pressure. This book explains how one boy handled changing his behavior. If your child is making bad choices due to being ridiculed or your child is the bully, this is the book for your family. Even if it is a child that has suffered the incarceration of a loved one or a death of a close friend, this is a great gift for that child also. Your time is also a great gift. Plan to read this to a hurting child. Adults learn a lot when reading it to their child or children when they practice reading to adults. Either way the time together is priceless and does so much more than you realize. All About Feelings, makes us take a look at what we believe and the decisions we made in response to events in our lives. We then ask ourselves, “Was that a good decision or a bad one? Did I respond correctly? Could I have had a better out come if I had responded differently.” After examining our past we can determine our mistakes and purpose to behave differently. We must learn and teach our children to take responsibility for our actions. Practice along with Khamani and decide to do or say things, only after we have thought about all the consequences. We must remember the “Golden Rule.” Matthew 7:12. The best days of your life are ahead of you. It still works today. Keep in mind most people worldwide are good and kind. There are a some bad and wicked people but they are a minority of the population. Their bad acts make the news and their bad actions sell books and newspapers. It has been this way for centuries. After reading this book I hope you will explore your responses and your child’s responses, good or bad to things that happen throughout your day. Once we realize we are not in control and we can’t change things that have already happened. We can learn from our mistakes and make up our minds, we will do better. Khamani & I have to remind each other often but it is going well. Read our book and let’s hear what changes you have made. We look forward to hearing from you or your loved ones.

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