Summer has arrived in Miami and that means quinceanera season. With an internship at the mayor’s office, Alicia isn’t giving much thought to anything but work. But after meeting Sarita, a new girl in town, on the first day of the job, Alicia ends up volunteering to help organize Sarita’s quince. She also volunteers her friends. Soon Alicia is drowning in preparation and turning into a quincezilla-and it isn’t even her party! But there is just so much to do-there are shoes to be bought, dances to choreograph, and then there is Gaz. He is being flirtier than usual with Alicia and she’s not sure what to do. It seems like Alicia is dangerously close to losing her friends…and her mind! Will she learn to trust her amigas and rock the party?
Amigas: Fifteen Candles
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