This collection of science fiction, fantasy and horror poetry and short stories includes an introduction from Barry N. Malzberg and the short story, &ldsquoLittle Red in the Hood,’ which appeared on Ellen Datlow’s Honorable Mention list in Tenth Annual Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror. Animated Objects takes you from the outside to deep inside Linda Addison’s imagination. Each chapter invites the reader to journey into a universe of the fantastic. The path is paved with light and darkness, like life, but the true center lies in The Prelude. The last section, journal entries, is a peek into the workings of a writer s mind. In entries from 63 hand-written journals lie the beginnings of poems, starts and endings to stories, observations and life lists. Become part of the journey. In the end, love is all that matters.

SKU: 9780920000000

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