Apex Magazine August 2018

Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine featuring original, mind-bending short fiction from many of the top pros of the field. New issues are released on the first Tuesday of every month.This month Sheree Renee Thomas guest-edits a special Zodiac themed issue!EDITORIALUnder Ancient Stars, New Dreams Are Born-Sheree Ren e ThomasFICTIONFor Southern Girls When the Zodiac Ain’t Near Enough-Eden RoycePrism-Stefanie ElrickLa Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself-J.M. GuzmanGasping-Brandon O’BrienJewel of the Vashwa-Jordan KurellaThe Barnum Effect-Celia NeriPOETRYHow to Paint Mercury-Mary Soon LeeCapricorn-Tara BettsHow to Fly by Neptune-Mary Soon LeeCelestial Mary (Galilean Daughter)-Sherese FrancisHow to Speak to Pluto-Mary Soon LeeA Theorized Form of Matter-Ashely AdamsNONFICTION’There’s No Racism Here?’ A Black Woman in the Dominican Republic-Kiini Ibura SalaamCOLUMNSPage Advice-Mallory O’Meara and Brea GrantBetween the Lines with the Print Run Podcast-Laura Zats and Erik HaneINTERVIEWSInterview with Author Eden Royce-Andrea JohnsonInterview with Cover Artist Stacey Robinson-Russell Dickerson


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