Ask Uncle Neil: Why is My Hair Curly?

If an empowering book for young children is what you are looking for, you have found it in the book Ask Uncle Neil: why is my hair curly? With this book, you will meet Anthony, a young boy who has his mother, Jessica, exasperated, as they are running late. While getting ready, Anthony starts to wonder why his hair is different than that of his classmates. From there, Anthony speaks with his Uncle Neil, who uses science to answer Anthony’s question. Using hair as the vehicle, “Ask Uncle Neil: why is my hair curly?” encourages children to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Consider getting this book for early readers of all races, as they are all curious by nature and interested in why their hair is the way it is. Written by engineer Neil Thompson, the book is a motivational tool that lets children know that there are no careers that are off limits to them, especially careers in STEM. As long as they have the curiosity and determination to see things through, anything is possible!


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