Blacks And Religion Volume One: What Did Africa Contribute To The Origin Of Religion? The Equinox And The Real Story Behind Easter & Understanding The Book Of The Dead


What is the world’s oldest religion? What is the true religion for Black people? What was Africa’s original religion? Early Africa and its religious heritage should be of interest to the people of modern Africa and the Black Diaspora. Divided into three parts, this book, Blacks and Religion Volume One, addresses the big questions. The first part of this book is entitled: What did Africa contribute to the Origin of Religion? It addresses the Ancient and Traditional African religions and shows the common concepts that existed between them. The second part of this book is entitled: The Equinox and the Real Story behind Easter. It addresses the Spring Equinox and shows that many early religions practiced similar ideas at that time of the year. The third part of this book is entitled: Understanding the Book of the Dead. It addresses the content and symbolism of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This is the most influential set of religious texts in the history of religion. While superficially difficult to understand, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is not as strange or as difficult a text as it at first appears.


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