Tuition and fees are just the tip of the iceberg! To properly manage college costs, you need to understand the real price tag of a higher education, including hidden fees that surprise students after they enroll in a college or university. College Secrets and its companion book, College Secrets for Teens, reveal the true costs of earning a college degree and then provides hundreds of money-saving ideas to help students and parents reduce or eliminate these expenses. In this book, you’ll discover: 22 hidden costs that college officials never talk about 24 tricks to slash in-state and out-of-state tuition costs 7 tips to keep room and board expenses under control 13 strategies to save money on books and supplies 14 lifestyle costs that students must manage wisely 6 do’s and don’ts to avoid credit card debt in college 12 steps to boost your odds of winning scholarships 15 common mistakes that reduce your financial aid … and much, much more! The College Secrets series is your roadmap to paying for college the smart way with some sanity, truth and planning in the process, and without going broke or winding up deep in debt.
College Secrets: How to Save Money, Cut College Costs and Graduate Debt Free
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