Have you ever asked yourself why you struggle finding healthy, loving romantic relationships? Marla Washington’s book, “Dating Without A Daddy” offers a unique perspective as to why some of you find yourselves in unhealthy romantic relationships. She suggests some of your problems can be traced back to childhood and that growing up fatherless may have a profound effect on your love choices. Daddy is a term of endearment. This word signifies a special relationship between a father and child. Almost every little girl at one time or another envisioned having a daddy, a strong male to hold, to kiss and to just hear him say, “you’re daddy’s little girl and I will always love you.” But for millions of young girls having a dad is just a fantasy. And for those of you who didn’t have a dad as a young girl, as you transition into womanhood, there becomes this constant need to fill this void with any male figure. “Dating Without A Daddy” is more than an analysis of the problem and a laundry list of don’ts. Marla Washington offers the ‘must do’s for avoiding being a victim of fatherlessness and successfully discovering a worthy life partner. Consider this book an intervention for those of you who don’t have a father or father figure to tell you some of the things needed to discern the men you pursue and the men who pursue you. This book is a critical insight into the lives of fatherless daughters looking for love.
Dating Without A Daddy: A Guide For Fatherless Women Looking For Love
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