Doing What’s Right: How to Fight for What You Believe-And Make a Difference

In Doing What’s Right, Tavis Smiley shows how each one of us can battle complacency and fight for the causes we support. Smiley is the host of “Black Entertainment Television Tonight with Tavis Smiley,” a one-hour nightly talk show that reaches fifty-five million households, and his political and social commentary is heard daily on “The Tom Joyner Morning Show,” a national radio program with a listenership of seven million. “The Smiley Report,” his monthly newsletter, has a circulation of three to four million readers.Smiley’s career was inspired by his lifelong determination to make a difference. Through the media, he has helped to galvanize public opinion and initiate national grassroots campaigns on everything from corporate responsibility to voter turnout. In Doing What’s Right, Smiley urges everyone to become involved and presents a practical and motivating gameplan for making it happen.


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