As soon as your “me time” arrives your phone rings, the kids are yelling for your attention and dinner needs to be cooked! Joy truly understands the many hats women wear on a daily basis. She shows us how to create a healthy lifestyle in the midst of competing priorities. Don’t Let “IT” Get You!, provides strategies around “Its”, a personalized workout routine, meal plan and endless tips on dining out, reading labels, portion control and so much more! After 20 years of holding executive level positions in Fortune 500 companies, Joy decided to live her dream. She boldly addresses the fact that sometimes we have to start over and she did! Joy is a certified Wellness Consultant, who specializes in the areas of Nutrition and Personal Training; also called “The Perfect Combination”. Don’t Let “IT” Get You!, is Joy’s personal story of achievement. She boldly shows us how to breakthrough obstacles and people who hinder us from health and happiness. This complete guide encourages physical and emotional health. Its goal is to inspire all women to achieve and maintain a fit and healthy life.
Don’t Let “It” Get You!: An Empowering Health And Fitness Guide For Women
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