Felina’s Life and Loves: The Felix Women I

This is a short story, 9,600 Words, with a bit of a cliffhanger ending. Felina Felix raced into Starbucks to get out the pouring rain. She felt chilled to her bones. There was nothing she wanted more than a triple venti caramel macchiato and her newspaper. She had spent an extraordinarily frustrating day at work. She loved being a high school guidance counselor but some days it was just hard. She was twenty-nine and some of her students at eighteen weren’t interested in her insight. They thought the daughter of an attorney couldn’t possibly understand their second world problems. But she could and did. She hadn’t been shielded from anything. Her mother defended everyone and often for no money. Shaking off the water from her umbrella, she made her way to the counter. Scott Marshall looked up at the elegant almost bald, chocolate woman and his heart slowed. Her skin was glowing from natural beauty and raindrops and those lips were dying to be kissed. He could almost feel them. Turning as if she felt him staring, her dark brown eyes locked with his grey ones. “Ma’am, is that all?” Felina turned back to the barista, nodding absently. After paying, she took her drink and sat near the window. After taking a sip, she unfolded her paper and quickly immersed herself in current news.” “You’re beautiful.” The deep voice made Felina look up from her paper. She frowned slightly when she saw a tall, admittedly handsome white guy standing at her table. She glanced around as if to see who he could possibly be talking to.” “I’m talking to you. You are beautiful. I’m Scott Marshall, I own SM Fitness.” “Good for you Scott, I’m reading.” A grin covered his face and she had to admit he was hella handsome with those grey eyes, nice lips like a brothers and white teeth. Pulling a flyer from his folder, he placed it on the table.” “Come check us out. I’ve just expanded to Florida. Not only do we offer fitness and dance but we have natural products. Clearly you’re a naturalist.” Her brow rose at his words.” “You’re saying you have products for ebony skinned women with less than an inch of hair.” “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Come see me. You have nothing to lose.” He walked away and she looked at his very firm rear as he stopped at the counter to speak to the barista. Turning around, he winked at her. She was horrified and went back to her paper. She was done with dating and she was certainly not interested in a white boy.”


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