Twenty-one articles deal with the historical background to Garvey and Garveyism, women in the movement and the importance of gender, the influence of Garvey on Jamaican culture and the peoples of the Caribbean. No facet of Jamaican life escaped the imprint of Garvey’s powerful message with its unique Afrocentric perspective which spread into the religious realm where Black Jamaicans created God in their own image. An international panel assesses Pan-African and other issues in Garveyism, including race and economic progress int his collection of essays. Contributors to this volume: Norman P. Girvan, Don Robotham, Swithin Wilmot, Patrick Bryan, Tony Martin, Honor Ford-Smith, Beverly Hamilton, Carolyn Cooper, Barry Chevannes, Rev. Ernie P. Gordon, Philip Potter, Carl Stone, Horace Campbell, Adebowale Adefuye, Juditih Stein, Rupert Lewis, William A. Edwards, Derek Gordon, Trevor Munroe, Rex Nettle ford, Bernardo Garcia Dominguez
Garvey, His Work and Impact
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