With 73 percent of African American women suffering from hair breakage due to the use of straightening chemicals, this guide is the perfect resource to help them on their endeavor to go natural. The book not only describes the phases of this process, but also shares recipes, inspiring styles, and valuable tips to make the transition easy and rewarding. Also included are full-color photos of various hairstyles, including afros, twists, cornrows, and coils, and information on hair products, hair structure, and extensions and weaves. Have you ever considered going natural but thought it would be too hard? Try Gthis book! Many of us are alienated from our stigmatized coils and have no clue what to do with our nappy hair. This book helps you reacquaint with your natural naps and shows you how to grow out a perm. But more than that, Going Natural makes a joy out of what you thought would be a difficult journey. Find out ~ The best way for you to go natural ~ How to enjoy your journey ~ Why your hair is breaking ~ The basics of natural hair styling ~ How to grow and groom natural hair “Black women need to celebrate their beauty and this book is a great place to start” – Patricia Gaines a.k.a Dee, founder of nappturality.com “Amazingly inspiring!” – Wendy Dixon, founder of Locc.org visit going-natural.com for support, products and additional styling options
Going-Natural: How To Fall In Love With Nappy Hair
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