History of Blacks in America from Pre-History to 1877: A Common Core State Standards History

In History of Blacks in America from Pre-History to 1877, I discuss the real history of Blacks in America. It explains that the contemporary Black population in the United States is made up of three Black Nationalities: Black Europeans, Black Native Americans, and Black Africans from Sub-Saharan Africa. A History of Blacks in America from Pre-History to 1877 is meant to be used as a textbook or a stand-alone history text. The book is divided into two parts. In this revision of the 2014 edition, Part One has been expanded to provide a detailed discussion of Afro-American history beginning with the Paleoamerican and Pre-Columbian periods up to the 1960s. Part Two provides two short essays on the Black Europeans and American Mound builders, along with short informational text teachers can use to teach the history of the Black Americans of European descent, Black Americans of African descent and Black Americans of Native American descent so the reader can have full knowledge of the history of Blacks in America.


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