We all tend to pose these questions to ourselves from time to time; “Who am I”? “What is my purpose”? “Why am I here”? While we may not readily have definite answers, the ability to start and figure it out begins with knowing who we are made in the image of. Just like a relative can gaze at you and say “You look just like your father/mother” there are traits and abilities in you that are also in Jesus Christ granted to you by God. He said, “Let us make man in our image and our likeness”. (Genesis 1:26) Impeccable by definition is the appearance, behavior, and performance of something, and because God is impeccable (it does not mean you are perfect) but that He made you impeccable too. You have been endowed with the ability to appear, behave and perform in such a way that only you can. No one else is made like you, even though we are all fashioned in the same image and likeness.
Impeccable: In His Image. in His Likeness.
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