A tale unlike anything else, this second installment in the NubianUnderworld series continues the erotically charged journey inside Atlanta’sAfrican-American Fetish/BDSM community.”In order to be great, you have toleave your mark. Are you ready to leave your mark?”A power shift occurs within the Atlanta Fetish community, as Ramessesand Neferterri establish their position as the next power couple-not only inAtlanta, but with an aggressive expansion plan to duplicate what has beencreated inside the newly named compound, NEBU. As Ramesses continues to transform the compound in his image,Amenhotep has tasked him with a rather daunting task-one that will test hismettle as the preeminent force within the larger Fetish community. The task issimple: re-forge a bond that has been broken for the better part of two decades,an endeavor that no one before him has yet to accomplish. Legacy will have readers bear witness to the rise ofthe Great One as he and his Beloved step into the spotlight to provide the backdropto an exotic, decadent, and mind-twisting tale that is sure to take your breathaway. A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for everyreader.
Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld
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