Martin Luther King Bullavoid

The problems of the black community have for too long been the topic of forums, books, sermons, and political agendas that concluded with perpetual plans of future forums, books, sermons, and political agendas with no concrete plans of actions to halt the profuse bleeding that ensures the demise of the poor. In Martin Luther King BullAvoid: Imploding Communities, author Etta B. Harbin provides practical solutions to the myriad of problems that plague boulevard residents. According to the author, the billion-dollar efforts of outside entities to infuse equitability have failed to demolish the barriers that preclude income equality, closure of academic gaps, and judicial fairness because the root cause of the problem is embedded within the community. It is Etta’s position that external entities can assist, but never solve problems that are of internal origin. With occasional poetic rhythm, rhyme, history, and always a gist of humor, she provides ten practical solutions that guarantee the uplifting of the community as she moves from a problem-centered approach to a people-centered solution.


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