In the aftermath of the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other African Americans, plus the worldwide protests that followed, editors Ansa and Lloyd, created a project to bring voices of African-American women together to honestly and transparently share how race and culture have affected them in ways related to their families, their careers and their communities. The essays in Meeting at the Table: African American Women Write on Race, Culture and Community will not only enlighten readers, but offer paths into the vital conversations across racial, cultural and communal divides. The editors have collected a diverse group of women whose stories will inform, enlighten and educate readers who have some knowledge about race and culture and other readers who are looking for well-written and instructive ways to engage in the path toward social justice. Together, Ansa and Lloyd, friends since their college days, have more than 100 years of writing and editing experience as journalists and authors. Cover art contributed by Synthia Saint James.
Meeting at the Table: African-American Women Write on Race, Culture and Community
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