Rafa Abioye’s wildest dreams have finally come true. The young film director has just won the Academy Award for best motion picture and overnight, has become the most sought after filmmaker in Hollywood. The future is a wide, open road of success just waiting for him until she appears. Tangee, high priestess of Oya, and caretaker of the goddesses’ dragon daughters, has come to snatch the rug out from under him. Rafa is suddenly taken from everything he knows and loves and is sent back in time to 1971, to fulfill a destiny he never wanted, but can’t escape. Oriana Benoit was born and raised in the swamp of Dumpling, Louisiana and after coming home from a long night of partying, discovers a “ghost” in the lake near her house. Dressed like one of the Temptations, he’s more handsome than any man she’s ever seen. She can’t hear him and he can’t hear her and the two of them can only share space for brief moments of time before their images disappear She has no idea who he is or why he’s here, but her dragon is awakening and the without Rafa, it will come forth without its soul and become a deadly beast feared by all, loyal to no one and hunted by both sides of this impending war.
Oriana: The Fire Breathing Series, Book 2
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