Path to Peace, A Guide to Managing Life After Losing a Loved One

Path to Peace, A Guide to Managing Life After Losing a Loved One, chronicles one daughter’s journey of finding peace after the devastating and sudden loss of her beloved father. In the midst of grieving, Angie Ransome-Jones was suddenly faced with having to lay her father to rest, settle his extensive financial affairs and reconcile her unresolved feelings over the loss of her mother several years earlier. Along the way, she experienced learnings about what she refers to as “the process” and has made it her mission to share practical steps and tips to picking up the pieces and finding peace, after the loss of a loved one. In this book, Angela provides a comprehensive guide that also gives advice from the professionals she worked with, including her attorney, financial advisor and grief counselor. Path to Peace is one daughter’s story of reclaiming her life, realizing her purpose and finding inner peace along the way.

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