REAL EYEZ: Race, Reality and Politics In 21st Century Popular Culture

In his latest work, bestselling Author/Columnist/Race Scholar, Anthony Asadullah Samad, takes a scholarly, but irreverent, look at American Institutions (race, politics, religion and education) and dominant cultural practices (national identity, racism, sport, social stigmatism, sex, redemption, counter-culturalism, popular acceptance and tragedy) in a comparative analysis of societal cultural shifts that have occurred since the passing of the 20th Century. A cultural critique of American society, this book examines the increasing influence of “pop culture” practices in American society. The author draws parallels between American life in the 20th Century and the socio-political and economic realities of the 21st Century-many of which are dominant practices that have yet to be acknowledged in a truer construct of societal normality. The “new normal” in American society is unfamiliar to an “old America” still viewing the nation in an outdated cultural paradigm. Many of the “culture clashes we witness in American society today are functions of changes that have occurred, many barely visible but present in plain sight. This book chronciles high profile events and issues occurring in American society before, during and after the millennium change. It examines the national “cultural mindset” (anti-intellectualism, nacissism, popular blackness, immigration, Negrophobia, Islamophobia, hypersexuality, greed and heroism) in popular culture lexicon and draws on the realities of historical and traditional norms in contemporary, “new thought” philosophies that drive “what is real” in contemporary American society. REAL EYEZ is a real look at race, reality and politics in a new 21st Century America.

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