Rooftop Diva: A Novel Of Triumph After Katrina

she was called the rooftop diva by the man that saved her, but she never knew his name. She must have passed out because the next time her eyes opened she was surrounded by a throng of people at an aid station. A kind lady gave her a cold bottle of water and then reality started to settle in that all she owned was clinging to her in the form of the clothing she wore. “Has anyone seen my grandmother Martha Devareaux?” she inquired and all that met her was a blank stare and a shake of the head for no. Deep down inside her mind, she knew that her grandmother was floating in the water that swamped their house. It came in so quickly. By the time Monique realized what was happening it was up to her neck. She called for her grandmother, but at eighty years old and wheelchair bound, there was little chance that she survived. Not only was she homeless and destitute, she was also alone.Could Monique rebuild her life in a new city while encountering wealth, love, violence and betrayal along a twenty year journey after Hurricane Katrina?


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