Seventh Child: A Family Memoir of Malcolm X

SINCE MALCOLM X EXPLOSIVE AUTOBIOGRAAPHY THIS IS THE M0ST IMPORTANT BOOK YOU’LL EVER READ. SEVENTH CHILDA family memoir of Malcolm X Rodnell P. Collins, nephew Of Malcolm X with A. Peter Bailey Malcolm X The Man Behind The Myth A Loving Sister’s Blood Memories of a Challenged “son” His Controversial Analysis about American Foreign Policy Never-Before-Published Family Photographs and Letters Seventh Child, Seventh Son: A Family Memoir of Malcolm X. offers invaluable contribution and insight to one of twentieth century americas most charismatic, controversial and provocative figure. On Malcolm X Of the forty publications in eight languages, none provided such insight on a man and his time’s, excepting, his own Autobiography. Through the eyes of a compassionate loving sister, Ella Little-Collins, knew him best and her son, Rodnell Collins, to whom Malcolm X was a much-loved and admired uncle and mentor, Ella’s enduring and tenacious loyalty to her brother permeate the entire book. She was Malcolm’s protreptic, not his inhibitor, Malcolm-Little (the child) was an inherent pedagogue, Ella felt. To accomplish this task she became his legal guardian brought Malcolm into her home after their father was lynched and Malcolm mother was Institutionalized, Late in his teenage years he Was very rebellious, this contributed to his incarceration to prison, Ella arranged for his transfer to a progressive prison colony, with a large open library, the prison. offered University course’s in theology, Malcolom debated University students, and recieved his certificate in theology from one of the participating Universities. While in the nation of Islam, Ella often served as confidant he confided his growing concerns about the rampant corruption in nation of Islam headquarters. Ella and Rodnell lived those moments with Malcolm and his family, when attempts were made on his life, The night Malcolms home was fire bomb, his sister and nephew came to their rescue. Rodnell along with members of Malcolms organization were publicly attacked by three car loads of nation of, Islam thugs and informents in Boston, Massachusetts trying to make and attempt on the life Of Malcolm X 1964. It was his sister Ella who finance his trips abroad and to the Holy city of Mecca Saudia Arabia. In the early dawn hours before Malcolms assassination Ella and Rodnell were his discussant’s, on the human-right’s violations of Africans americans and Native Americans by the Untied States, an issue he intented to bring before The United Nations World Court. A public pronouncement, he make in relationship to that, The African and Asian American diaspora and their connection to United States foreign policy, the two speeches both In New York City, April 8, 1964 and December 12, 1964 “Communication and Reality”, he knew his pronouncement and position with the N.O.I. at that time may I mean his life, Malcolm forebode, Ella, that of my death ” I feel like a grain of sand on the sea shore, if in someway I have change the course of the tide” It would have been with his life, he knew he had to answer to god for any of his own mistakes the import of those words did not take heart of Ella in those early hours before his death that day, But it would come. African and Asian numeral science and the science of cosmology use base numeral seven. It is practiced among these society the seventh child or son will emerge and perform great works or a leader. Malcolm X was his father’s seventh child. Twenty five years before her death, in august 1996, Ella worked on a memoir of her brother and the little family through the generations with several author’s James Baldwin, Louis Lomax, and Art Aveilhe to no avail. A first cousin, educator Oscar V. Little, began researching the Little family genealogy, she was enthusiastic and elated when his diligence came to fruition with the discovery of great-grandparents, Tony and Clarrie, and family primogenitor AJAR, brought from West Africa to enslavement in the Carolina’s. in early 1800s. ” It was Malcolm found wish to know his ancestor who first arrived on these shores”, Ella told Rodnell, whose earliest memory of his uncle being held in his arms as an Infant while Ma prepared family dinner”. When illness incapacitated his mother in the mid 1980s, Rodnell inherited the memoir project. Ella L. Little Collins passed all archived information, Letters, Photographs, several documents and her memories on to him. ” I became as committed to the project she cherished all those years”.