Don’t get ripped off paying a, so-called, self-publishing company several thousand dollars to get one book published for you, when you can start YOUR OWN PUBLISHING COMPANY for the same dollar amount or even much less! Don’t waste a bunch of time, like most people do, trying to get all the answers from the internet. Most web sites that claim to be giving you “free” information are just setting the reader up for a sales trap. Maybe they can’t be totally blamed for these tactics; but if you are like me, you don’t want to pay more for what you could get for far less or even actually for free! EVERYTHING you need to know to start YOUR OWN INDIE PUBLISHING COMPANY!, by K Kelly McElroy, cuts to the chase and gives you ALL the information you need to successfully start your own Indie Publishing company! Once you have successfully established your new publishing company, then the rest is up to you!
Start Your Own Indie Publishing Company!: Everything You Need to Know!
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