Time to Rebuild Understanding between Students & Teachers is a collective, collaborative visual into the minds and hearts of four veteran, grassroots educators. With more than 100 years of educational prowess between them, these education facilitators have garnered seasoned urban educational practicums into the lives and minds of urban youth with ‘at risk’ behaviors. Urban E.D.U. Coach, whose interest lies in supporting educators in their quest to educate this formidable, marginalized population has scaffolded, as well as cultivated an urban education technique textbook developed for teachers, social workers, principals, administrators, curriculum developers, homeschoolers, and school owners. The textbook contains accounts of life experiences, case studies, lessons and mentorship for becoming a better educator. The goal is to empower those who empower our youth.
T.R.U.S.T. Classroom Management: Time to Rebuild Understanding between Students & Teachers
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