The Dawn of Detroit: A Chronicle of Slavery and Freedom in the City of the Straits

Finalist for the 2018 Frederick Douglass Book PrizeNominated for the 2018 Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Legacy Award (Nonfiction)A New York Times ?Editor’s Choice” selectionWinner of 2018 Merle Curti Social History Award Co-Winner of the 2018 James A. Rawley Prize A Michigan Notable Book of 2018A Booklist Editors’ Choice Title for 2017 ?If many Americans imagine slavery essentially as a system in which black men toiled on cotton plantations, Miles upends that stereotype several times over.”?New York Times Book Review ?Miles has compiled documentation that does for Detroit what the Works Progress Administration and the Federal Writers’ Project slave narratives did for other regions, primarily the South.”?Washington Post?Tiya Miles is among the best when it comes to blending artful storytelling with an unwavering sense of social justice.”?Martha S. Jones in The Chronicle of Higher Education?A necessary work of powerful, probing scholarship.”?Publisher Weekly (starred)?A book likely to stand at the head of further research into the problem of Native and African-American slavery in the north country.”?Kirkus ReviewsFrom the MacArthur genius grant winner, a beautifully written and revelatory look at the slave origins of a major northern American cityMost Americans believe that slavery was a creature of the South, and that Northern states and territories provided stops on the Underground Railroad for fugitive slaves on their way to Canada. In this paradigm-shifting book, celebrated historian Tiya Miles reveals that slavery was at the heart of the Midwest’s iconic city: Detroit.In this richly researched and eye-opening book, Miles has pieced together the experience of the unfree-both native and African American-in the frontier outpost of Detroit, a place wildly remote yet at the center of national and international conflict. Skillfully assembling fragments of a distant historical record, Miles introduces new historical figures and unearths struggles that remained hidden from view until now. The result is fascinating history, little explored and eloquently told, of the limits of freedom in early America, one that adds new layers of complexity to the story of a place that exerts a strong fascination in the media and among public intellectuals, artists, and activists.A book that opens the door on a completely hidden past, The Dawn of Detroit is a powerful and elegantly written history, one that completely changes our understanding of slavery’s American legacy.


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