The Mind Of A Woman: 365 Relationship Scenario Discussion Questions

Your boyfriend’s mother prefers his ex over you. What would you do? Your man’s ex-wife is in town and wants to stay with him for the weekend. Would you be okay with that? You see your brother-in-law at the movie theatre holding hands with another woman. Do you tell your sister? For five years, bestselling author Marissa Monteilh has posted original relationship questions on her social media pages. Thousands of responses to her creative questions have generated controversial debates. The Mind of a Woman is a compilation of those posts, as the top 365 relationship scenario questions were selected for this fun, and interactive non-fiction book. Male and female readers will enjoy discussing these topics during book club meetings, family gatherings, office parties, etc., and readers will test their own relationship boundaries privately. Find out what your friends would do. After all, the mind of a woman is a beautiful and complicated thing. It may surprise you!

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