What Love Feels Like

Latrice is married to the good looking Calvin Stewart. He swept her off her feet putting an end to her party girl life style. He was different than the unemployed losers of her past; had his own money and plenty of it. Blinded by his charm and finances, she fell in love and in no time at all walked down the aisle to become Mrs. Stewart. Unbeknownst to her, the man she married was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He makes it his daily chore to beat her into submission. She loses her identity and almost her life before realizing she has to get away. She escapes and seeks safety among friends where she finds the one thing she never expected, true love. Marlon Wright has tried his best to make his wife happy, but the more he tries the more she complains. She takes her need for excitement to far and winds up down a path of lies and manipulation. When she goes too far all hell breaks loose and she will stop at nothing to convince Marlon that she is still the woman he fell in love with, but she better be ready for the competition. Someone else catches Marlon’s eye and he struggles to keep his composure.


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