Write It Right: The Guide To Self-Publishing Your Best Book

Recent changes in the book industry have afforded new authors the opportunity to self-publish with relative ease. Yet, for newcomers to the industry, publishing a book is still a daunting task. Write It Right: The Guide to Self-Publishing Your Best Book provides both aspiring and seasoned authors with a road map to success. The following questions are answered in the book: * What are ten great reasons to self-publish? * What are ten of the greatest challenges to self-publishing? * What is the primary reason you are writing your book? * How do you determine your book’s topic or subject matter? * What is the target audience for your book? * What is the current state of the book industry? * What are the elements of a best-selling novel? * How does a self-published author obtain a copyright and ISBN? * What are some of the most cost-effective marketing strategies? * How does a self-published author take advantage of social media? * What are some of the costly, time-consuming mistakes authors should avoid? * What are some of the future book publishing trends on the horizon? If you are planning to self-publish, Write It Right includes the comprehensive information that will help you succeed.