This book is part of The Integrated Life series. THE CONCEPT: “In the pursuit of economic survival, bodily sustenance and social acceptance, people often (1) disregard their passion in order to focus on a practical career, (2) allow their diet to undermine their health, and (3) deny their sexual and gender wiring in order to conform to societal concepts of relationship. Therein lies the majority of unhappiness in our modern life.” The solution is to live the integrated life! Take the Integrated Life online test at and discover how integrated these areas of your life are! Then, read the book to learn what to do about it! **** THIS BOOK: What if you could actually reverse the deterioration and decline associated with accumulating more years on the planet? What if you could actually grow YOUNGER every day? Well, you can! Reversing aging is possible. Not just the “signs” of aging, but aging itself. Yes, it is possible to actually take the body back to a previous state of health. It is possible to slow the decline, undo specific damage and return to a previous state of health and vitality…to yesterday’s you! Why you need it If you fear getting old before your time. If you fear not having the energy to take care of yourself and your family and other obligations. If you fear not having the mental focus, physical stamina or youthful glow of earlier times, then you need this information to take control of your health and the direction of your life and become one of those people who others say never seem to age; If you follow even a few of these suggestions, you can keep your skin and hair young eliminate allergies restore your energy improve your complexion remove harmful toxins from the body lose weight increase virility, and more Where it comes from This information is based on a set of truths that have been known for centuries. First among these truths is the fact that the body is coded to heal. Scientists tell us the body regenerates and rejuvenates itself. Cells die and are replaced. Organs replace themselves over the course of years. What’s missing in the equation is simple: our society and its practices simply don’t give the body the resources and rest it needs in order to function optimally. Our society moves us away from pristine conditions and environments that support the body’s healing code. Yesterday’s You shows you how to recreate those internal conditions and external environments in today’s society. Unless you give your body the specific nutrients it requires and unless you create the environment and conditions that activate and support the body’s healing and rejuvenation code, you will age and experience the same deterioration everyone else you know is experiencing. Get The set of stable truths that inform the protocol A comprehensive list of key foods and supplements A step-by-step “Getting Started” guide An overview of what it will require and what to expect Detailed instructions for all the “secret” practices How to incorporate it into your daily life Client testimonials Even a few recipes! plus: informational charts, worksheets, plus a ton of resources (books, videos, websites) for more information, purchasing products and much, much more! If you’re thinking: “I know what I need to be doing…I just need some strategies for sticking to it!” This is a set of new habits, food substitutions, preparation tips, all based on a new understanding of your body and how it works. The reason many diets and other protocols don’t work is that they seek to maintain a paradigm of the body and a paradigm of health and healing that is outdated and simply wrong. I start with a whole new paradigm as the foundation and build a new set of habits from the ground up.
Yesterday’s You: How to reverse aging using special foods, vitamins, natural supplements and a few secret practices (Volume 2)
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