A black plague has landed upon our doorsteps, more so in low-income black communities and neighborhoods but nonetheless on the heads of our black men. Our black men’s blood is filling the streets around the world fast while the screams of their loved one’s fill the air echoing across every social media and news show covering the story. Guess what? Black executions are not hidden they are beautifully laid out to provoke even the most peaceful soul to rage. Isn’t that the plan, I mean a true hunter baits its prey so that the kill can be justified when it was a planned execution all along? It’s as if the world waits day after day for black blood. Johanna Sparrow addresses the need for a call to action to stop the killings of black people around the world by law enforcement, and at its own hands. If the black race is to survive it must use reason, intelligence and understanding as its guide. We must out think and out strategize those who seek to do us harm. This fight is far from over and knowing what method to use is the key.

Black Blood: How To Live In A World With Racism
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