Tell me what you’ve gone through, and I can tell you why you’re currently experiencing pain and struggle in your life. Tell me the worst you’ve endured, and I’ll tell you why you’re still not over it. Life’s tragedies not only leave scars that last a lifetime but also a bruised heart in their aftermath. Although life’s bruises may have healed externally, they’re not gone. They’ve settled deep within your heart’s core and issued repeated blows that’ve led you to continuously experience loss, heartbreak, grief, humiliation, rejection, tragedy, and pain; ll of this on a heart that’s badly bruised. Your untimely outbursts are a testament to a bruised heart that hasn’t yet healed. Are you tired of hurting? Are you ready to find the solution to why pain experienced in the past continues to resurface? A bruised heart is the reason for your struggles, but that can be resolved. True healing takes place from within and starts with the heart. I’ve dealt with my share of life’s bruises and overcome them all. If I can heal my bruised heart, so can you!

Bruised Hearts: How To Stop Hurting To Trust Again
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