There are just some people you are not going to like or get along with and unfortunately they are in your family. Everyone I know seems to have that one family member or members who no matter how good of a time everyone is having seems to end things on a sour note. We all pull together and try to calm this person down but it never seems to work and many family members end up confused, disrespect and bullied before the night is over. Face it we all have know who they are and find them unpleasant to be around. If things are not going there way they seem to take over and forced attention there way. When will it end? No one is exempt from this type of family member who one minute you love and adore and the next you’re wishing you never knew them at all or worst were related to them at all. They are never happy and seem to think everyone in the family is out to get them or make them look bad. If they only knew that they had that part of the assignment covered they would shape up and fly right.

Bullies in the Family: A Guide to Stopping Family Bullying (Act Right Bully Series) (Volume 1)
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