Daaimah S. Poole, bestselling author of the hot and hilarious Yo Yo Love, is back with another wildly entertaining tale of colliding hearts and hard truths about the bumpybut never boringroad to love.. Got A Man Twenty-six-year-old Kimberly Vanessa Brown is no ordinary single mom. Pregnant with her second child, she’s got a career, a college degreeand enough common sense to know that her boyfriend, Malik, may not be ready for fatherhood. But when Malik surprises her with a marriage proposal, it seems that Kim’s got her man for the long haul. Or does she? Despite his honorable intentions, Malik can’t seem to stay clear of other women. When Shonda Robinson, the shapely new receptionist at the law firm where Malik works as a paralegal, comes on strong to him, his resolve finally crumbles, along with his heartand his future plans. Shonda may not be the most moralor discreetperson around, but she knows a good thing when she’s got it. That good thing is her love for Malik, and she intends to keep it at all costs. Unfortunately, she’s not the only who feels that way. What follows is an emotional roller coaster ride of changing plans, changing partnersand a surprising change of heartas three people wrestle with what’s right, what’s wrongand what’s real.

Got A Man
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