Some of the most influential people in history have made themselves heard despite their quiet voices and personalities, such as Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Bill Gates. The Little Book of Quiet takes a broad look at the need for, and the benefits of, achieving more quiet in your life. It will teach introverts how to harness their many positive qualities, and help extroverts to allow more quiet into their lives. Now that everyone is connected digitally 24/7, more emphasis is being placed on achieving higher emotional intelligence (EQ) to empathize and negotiate with others. The ability to be quiet is not only a key people skill, and a basic requirement of being a good listener, but it is also known to reduce stress, and help you find inner calm as it brings your focus back to the present world around you. The Little Book of Quiet explores the different ways of achieving more quiet in our lives, through tips, exercises, inspirational quotes and through the teachings of mindfulness.

The Little Book of Quiet: Finding a Mindful Balance (Little Books)
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