Willimena Rules! Rule Book: How to (Almost) Ruin Your School Play (Bk. 4)

When Tina, Willie’s big sister, gets to cast and direct the next school play, Willie assumes that she is a slam-dunk for the lead. Every night Willie dreams of her reviews in the school newspaper: “BRAVO! SPECTACULAR! OUT OF THIS WORLD! A New Star Is Born at Harriet Tubman School and her name is Willimena Thomas!” But Willie’s audition goes south and she is cast as a tree. And without saying a single word, Willie still manages to make the headlines on opening night: “NIGHTMARE ON TUBMAN STAGE! Tap-Dancing Tree Ruins School Play.” Needless to say, Willimena does her best to make things right. But in the process, she makes things worse than Tina could ever imagine.